Do you remember growing up? That first baby tooth and perhaps learning to walk and talk. The excitement of your first day of school, perhaps graduation and beyond to your first job or getting your license. These Rites of Passage moments unite us, defining our humanity and marking our journey through development towards independence.

Our Woodleigh Rites of Passage are powerful traditions intentionally integrated into daily teaching in order to strengthen the transformation from one stage to the next. Through ceremonies and events that commemorate milestones, each young person gains a vision for their future as they transition from baby to child, to adolescence and then ultimately, to adulthood.

Unlimited Learning from Campus to Camp

Our extensive Camps Program is one such Rite of Passage and a significant one at that. At Woodleigh, our Rites of Passage programs incorporate camps and leadership opportunities and are designed for both the individual and the community. 

In Junior School, our students gradually ease into these experiences with overnight sleepovers and week-long trips to places such as Canberra and Sovereign Hill. Their experiences in Junior School culminate with opportunities at Green School Bali Camp and Wugubank Exchanges.

When students reach Senior School, camps get serious. From a plethora of Homestead Camps and Activities Week Camps, to City Bound and Outward Bound, the opportunities abound for our Senior School students to explore the world and learn more about their own identity.

Another significant camp occurs in Year 10 and if you haven’t been, Hattah is quite a place. When you’re there, it’s a challenge – an experience and a test. Once you’re done, there's a shared understanding. Of what you and your peers can do and how strong you are together.

Future-Ready Pathways

At Woodleigh, we believe in a holistic education that not only achieves academic results but transcends them. We understand that young people today are facing unprecedented challenges. In a world that can often seem unpredictable and daunting, we prioritise wellbeing and quality of life just as much as academic achievements.

Our approach fosters a sense of purpose, which is crucial for strengthening self-identity, developing coping skills and managing emotions constructively. By providing a supportive and safe environment, we ensure that our students are not only prepared academically but also equipped to navigate the complexities of life with resilience and confidence.

At Woodleigh, our students develop a wealth of skills honed through their diverse experiences. As they venture into the world, they explore a variety of pathways, each uniquely suited to their passions and talents.

The journey through Year 12, marked by exams, challenges and personal growth, is a significant rite of passage. It is a transformative experience that shapes our students into resilient and capable individuals, ready to pursue their dreams and make a meaningful impact in the world. For many, the ATAR serves as a stepping stone towards higher education and at Woodleigh, we recognise that this is just one of many milestones that our students pursue.