You can find us all over the world; an adventurous mind is easy to spot! Meet some of the Woodleigh people leading our community right now.

David Baker
David Baker
Nat mclennan
Natalie McLennan
Kaz Rod 4
Rodney Davies
Scott Grimshaw
Daniel Lukies
Richard Owens
Kaz Rod 3
Karen Chaur
Kate bird
Kate Bird
Andy k
Andrea Khoza
Our people lisa 2
Lisa Coxon
Our people michell pitcher copy
Michelle Pitcher
Amy White
Whole staff 2021

Three Unique Campuses, One Shared Vision

Founded in 1856, Woodleigh is proud to be Victoria’s oldest progressive and co-educational independent school. From Early Childhood to Year 12, Woodleigh is home to just over one thousand students across three campuses.