Speed restrictions (40 km per hour) are in place from 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm along Mornington-Tyabb Rd. When entering the driveway, traffic speed is reduced to walking pace (15km per hour).
Entry to the school for buses and delivery is the full length of the driveway until reaching the roundabout.
The area of the roundabout is a no parking zone other than for the delivery of supplies that are arranged during the school day – not at drop off or collection times. The roundabout is kept clear from 8-8.20am and from 3.50 pm-4.15pm due to buses entering and leaving.
ECC drop off and pickup MUST park in the carpark.
Morning Drop off
Students can be dropped off after 8.15am. At drop off times one teacher is on duty. Students arriving early must wait in reception until supervision begins at 8.15am. School drop-off entry for students is half way down the driveway on the left where the car park is clearly visible. At drop off times, one teacher is on duty in the mornings. When exiting the school property, all traffic proceeds to the roundabout, keeping left until exiting the property at the entry.
Afternoon Pick up
At the end of the day class teachers chaperone their groups to the assembly area at the top of the roundabout. Several teachers remain on duty until all children have been collected. A teacher is on bus duty at the bus stop with children travelling on the chartered bus service. We have 2 pickup queues. One for Foundation to Year 2 that comes down the driveway, the other for Years 3-6 that goes through the carpark.
Parents are welcome to park in the car park and exit their vehicle if they want to stay and chat to other parents.