Starting Senior School is a big deal.

At Woodleigh, Day Zero marks the beginning of one of the greatest adventures of students' young lives. For some, Year 7 can feel like Prep all over again, except they're old enough now to know what’s what, making it even more of a challenge. Day Zero is a long-standing tradition that sets the tone of belonging, of fun and of wild possibility. The day prepares our newest students to dive into the wild time of growing up in their new home away from home, in a community of new peers, teachers and spaces. 
Education at Woodleigh is serious business, but it doesn’t happen only in the classroom. The Homestead Teams -  the hype crew of Woodleigh and the backbone of this transition - lead them like a household so they can flourish in all the ways that matter – academically, socially and emotionally. New spaces and faces, friendships and connections will be forged over six years and beyond, as our Heads of Middle Years Pastoral Care, Gab and Craig commented,
"The care, guidance, and welcoming environment our Woodleigh team creates mean that our newest members of Woodleigh feel supported from day one. The relationships they build set the foundation for their journey at Woodleigh."
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The vast Senior Campus has Homesteads, Science Labs, a Farm, a Reserve, a Gym, a Futures Studio, endless sun-dappled pathways - donkey - so much to take in when you're taking in so much already. So, how do you initiate the uninitiated? An Amazing Race, obviously. The kids get to know the campus and each other on the first day without the nerves, the shuffling feet or the tuning out. Day Zero reflects Woodleigh’s values and culture, celebrating learning and connection, and fun and adventure right from the beginning.

“Woodleigh is special because of everyone who brings it to life—you!” Gab knows that Day Zero marks a milestone, and the day only comes together as it does because of the strength of the team behind it.
At the end of a long first day, one Year 7 student called out as she climbed the stairs of her bus home, “I just can’t believe that everyone is so nice.”

Job well done, Woodleigh.