Woodleigh’s New Mobile Phone Policy - Mobile Phone Gate-to-Gate Ban 

Since the announcement of our gate-to-gate mobile phone ban, we have received positive feedback from our community in support of the change. The adjustment period will not be without its hurdles. For some students the change might be difficult to manage during the initial implementation phase. If you require any support, please reach out to your child’s tutor, Homestead Coordinator or our Wellbeing Team. 

The gate-to-gate mobile phone ban commences on Day 1 for your child. 

The following provides you with some reminders:
- Phones must be turned off and securely stored in locked student lockers. 
- All lockers have been secured over the break, and we have purchased padlocks for students to use. 
- Phones will not be accessed during recess, lunch, other breaks or after-school activities (including after-school supervision on Wednesdays). 
- As of Thursday 30 January, both iMessage and phone mirroring will be disabled on all school laptops 

Practical Considerations for Parents
Communicating with your children: Urgent messages can be relayed through the school’s main reception to Homestead or Tutors.
Canteen payment options: Phones will no longer be accepted as a form of payment.
Student Cards can be used to tap for canteen payments by downloading the FlexiSchools App here. Using your child’s student number, create an account that can be topped up manually or automatically. Students either tap their cards for payment, or place lunch orders via the Flexischools App. Alternatively, students can use a physical age-appropriate debit/bank card.