Beginning the school day
The term commences on Friday 31 January 2025. Please park in the car park, walk in with your child, or drop off in the turning circle. Supervision of the grounds begins at 8.15 am so we suggest arriving between 8:20 am and 8:40 am to give students a chance to connect with their teachers and peers, change their reader and have a play outside. The school bell will ring at 8:45 am to indicate the start of the day. At 8.50 – 9 am, all classrooms have ‘tuning in’. Tuning in is a very important part of the day for your child to be a part of, as it is a time to connect as a group, set up learning intentions for the day, and discuss any important news or issues. Please be mindful of being on time to ensure your child’s participation in ‘tuning in’. 

*Given the warm weather, please ensure your child arrives with the Woodleigh sun hat and a water bottle each day.  

Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures
ECC Students 

  • Arrival between 8.50 – 9am to ECC 
  • Departure at 3pm from ECC 

Foundation to Year 6 Students 

  • Arrival at school for children in Foundation to Year 6 is from 8:15am. Staff are not on duty before this time, so children arriving before 8.15am will not be supervised. 
  • Students can be picked up via the turning circle, or you can park in the car park and walk in for collection. Please don’t park and leave your car in the turning circle, as this holds up traffic.
  • Foundation to Year 2 students are collected from 3:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 3pm Wednesday.
  • Year 3 – 6 students are collected from 3.40pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 3.10pm Wednesday
  • We ask that parents speak with their child/ren about the drop-off and pick-up arrangements before and after school each day so that they are reassured of the arrangements, including bus travel.

Camp Australia - After School Care
Camp Australia operates After School Care each afternoon from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. 

For further information about Camp Australia, please click here to register and book sessions for your child(ren). 

Term 1 Extra Curricular Activities
Extra-curricular activities, including music and sport, will commence in the first few weeks of Term 1. Further information will be shared on Friday 31 January.

Head of Penbank Campus