MND Fundraiser – Thursday 7 April

What is MND?

Motor Neuron Disease is where these nerves generate in the brain but die, slowing down the muscles, making them weaker and eventually leading to paralysis. This reduces life expectancy and only in rare circumstances can live up to 10 years after being diagnosed. With no cure currently found to treat and reduce the impact of MND there are only courses of treatment to decrease the effect on everyday life and make you comfortable.

Year 12s Rose Illman, Harry Fox and Tessa Cox are leading this fundraiser. They will be holding fundraising sports matches in Terms 1 and Term 3!

This term's fundraiser will be a netball game held in Week 10 on Thursday 7 April.

Please bring a gold coin donation to watch and to help donate funds, so it is possible to find a cure!

You may have seen ice bucket challenge #MND on tv and social media; we will be dumping the ice-cold water on the losers of this match!