Student Mobile Phone Usage Policy

Dear Woodleigh Families,

Mobile phone usage has become a significant concern for parents, schools, and health authorities. Recent findings from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that 97% of Australian teenagers own a device, with half having access to multiple devices. As the first generation to be immersed in technology, the distinction between online and offline life is increasingly blurred.

While technology plays a vital role in daily life and education, overuse is linked to negative outcomes such as poor academic performance, sleep disruption, anxiety, and depression. An Australian survey from the Black Dog Institute indicates that 82% of adolescents frequently use social media. However, it is still too early to determine whether this is the driving cause behind the rising concerns surrounding teen well-being.

The same survey reveals that nearly 60% of parents are worried about their teenagers' digital use. At Woodleigh, we aim to gather insights from our community to update our Student Mobile Phone Policy, ensuring it aligns with the needs and values of both parents and students. To achieve this, we’ve prepared surveys for both groups to better understand mobile phone usage patterns at home and in school. Our goal is to create a balanced policy that encourages healthy habits while supporting necessary access to technology.

Woodleigh values relationships and social experiences, and we strive for our mobile phone policy to promote healthy digital habits. The challenge is determining whether to limit, ban, or let teens manage their usage independently. By involving both students and parents in this important conversation, we aim to create a policy that reflects everyone’s needs.

Your participation in the survey will be vital in shaping a modern policy that benefits our entire community.

Please note that the following survey is for Parents only.  

Best wishes, and thank you for your time and input,

Natalie McLennan